Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Morning at the Sharp Household

Sharp's morning routine:

Russ up at 4:45, get ready for the day

Lisa up at 5:20 (4:20 if I get the energy to work out!)

Kelsey & Ethan up at 5:30 and potty, brush teeth, get dressed, make bed, take laundry down

Cannon up at 5:45 for hugs and diaper change

Everyone downstairs for breakfast by 6:05

Russ leaves for work at 6:10

Kelsey & Ethan get Shoes on, set table for breakfast, eat breakfast, clear table and everyone is out of kitchen by 7:00

Cannon cleaned up and dressed by 7:15, ready to go to school!

End result, 3 beautiful, happy kiddos! Most days that is!

1 comment:

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Your morning schedule is tight. Ours is too - but we don't have that long drive that you do. I love to read about how other families manage their busy schedules.